The Foundation Stage
The foundation stage is set out into 6 main areas, each area addresses a different aspect of a child’s development and learning.
These 6 areas are:-
o Personal, Social and Emotional Development, covering emotional well-being, social competence and a positive disposition.
o Communication, Language and Literacy, including both verbal and non-verbal communication, interaction with others and expression of needs and feelings.
o Mathematical Development, incorporating numbers, shapes and measures.
o Knowledge and Understanding of the World, developing an understanding of how things work, developing skills in using tools and learning about the world around them.
o Physical Development, control over their sown bodies and the way in which they move.
o Creative Development, exploring, expressing and communicating ideas through imagination, music, art and craft.
Each of these areas have a number of stepping stones which the children work towards from the age of three until the end of their reception year in school.
Birth to Three Matters
Birth to Three Matters is a new framework to support children in their earliest years. The framework focus’ on the individual child and not on subject areas. There are 4 aspects to the framework and each aspect is divided into 4 components. The Aspects and their Components are:-
o A Strong Child
Me, Myself and I
Being Acknowledged and Affirmed
Developing Self-assurance
A Sense of Belonging
o A Skilful Communicator
Being Together
Finding a Voice
Listening and Responding
Making Meaning
o A Competent Learner
Making Connections
Being Imaginative
Being Creative
o A Healthy Child
Emotional Well-being
Growing and Developing
Keeping Safe
Healthy Choices